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Showing posts with label Java Tutorial. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Java Tutorial. Show all posts

11 Feb 2024


Data Types in Java

1) Primitive Data Types

- These are the most basic data types in Java. They represent single values and are not objects.
There are different primitive data types - 

a) Integer Types- 
    - byte - 8-bit signed integer. Range varies from -128 to 127

    - short - 16-bit signed integer. Range varies from -32,768 to 32,767 

    - int - 32-bit signed integer. Range varies from -2^31 to 2^31-1
                    Example -         int num = 10;

    - long- 64-bit signed integer. Range varies from -2^63 to 2^63-1

b) Floating-Point types:
    - float - 32-bit floating-point number. It should be suffixed with 'f' or 'F'
    - double - 64-bit floating-point number. 
                    Example -         double pi = 3.14;

c) Other Primitive types:
    - char - 16-bit Unicode character.
                    Example -         char letter = 'H';

    - boolean - Represents the two values - true and false
                    Example -          boolean flag = true;

2) Reference Data Types

- These are used to refer to objects. They do not store the actual data but store the reference (Memory Address) of the object.
There are different reference data types - 

a) Class types- 
    - String - Represent a sequence of characters.
                    Example -         String text = "Hello";

b) Array types- 
    - Arrays - Ordered collection of elements of the same type.

c) Interface types- 
    - Interfaces - Defines a set of methods that a class must implement.

Comments in Java

Single-Line comments start with //
Multi-Line comments starts with /* and ends with */


// This is a single-line comment

*  This is a multi-line comment
*  This is the second multi-line comment.

10 Feb 2024


1) Download the JDK

1) Visit the official Oracle website or OpenJDK website to download the JDK installer for your operating system.

2) Make sure to download the version that matches your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux)

2) Run the Installer

1) Once the JDK is installed, choose the installation directory for the JDK.

2) Set the Environment Variables- 
                - JAVA_HOME (example - C:\Program Files\ Java\jdk-16)
    Add the JDK's bin Folder to the PATH environment variable.
                - PATH (example - %JAVA_HOME%\bin)

3) Verify the Installation

Open the terminal or Command Prompt to check the Java version.

Example -   java -version


Click Here to Learn About Java Data Types

8 Feb 2024



1) Java is a multi-platformhigh-level, object-oriented programming language developed by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle Corporation).

2) It is a fast, secure, reliable programming language for coding.

2) The main principle of Java is - "WRITE ONCE, RUN ANYWHERE"

3) Java programs can be compiled into Bytecode, which can then be executed on any platform that has a Java Virtual Machine (JVM).

4) Due to the ByteCode, there is no need to recompile the code for each platform.

2) Key Features of Java

1) Platform Independence - Java programs can run on any platform that has a JVM, making them very highly profitable.

2) Object-Oriented - Java is an OO language and hence it emphasizes the use of Classes and Objects for better code organization.

3) Simple and Familiar Syntax - It is similar to C and C++.

4) Memory Management - Java has a built-in garbage collector that manages memory allocation and deallocation automatically.

5) Robust and Secure - Java's strong type system, exception handling, and security features make it robust and secure. 

6) Multithreading - Java supports multithreading to perform concurrent tasks easily.

3) Common Applications of Java

1) Web Development

2) Mobile Development

3) Desktop Applications

4) Enterprise Applications

5) Embedded Systems

4) Download Java

Download Java from the official website