30 Dec 2023
What is an Algorithm?
Example of an algorithm for baking a cake ->
1) Gather all the ingredients
2) Pre-heat the oven
3) Measure out the ingredients
4) Mix together to make the batter
5) Put the butter into the pan
6) Pour the batter into the pan
7) Put the pan in the oven
8) Set a timer
9) When the timer goes off, take the pan out of the over
10) Eat the cat and ENJOY!
29 Dec 2023
Algorithm to Multiply two numbers
result = 0 // Initialize the result to zero
// Iterate through each digit of the second number (y)
while y > 0:
// If the rightmost digit of y is 1, add the current value of x to the result
if y is odd:
result = result + x
// Shift both x and y to the right
x = x << 1
// Multiply x by 2 (left shift)
y = y >> 1
// Divide y by 2 (right shift)
return result
28 Dec 2023
Find Maximum Value Input: An array of numbers
1. If arr is empty, return an error or a special value indicating no maximum.
2. Set max_value to the first element of arr (arr[0]).
3. For each element num in arr starting from the second element (index 1):
a. If num is greater than max_value, update max_value to num.
4. Return max_value as the maximum value in the array. Example: arr = [5, 2, 9, 1, 5, 6]
Result: The maximum value is 9.
Algorithm - Binary Search
- Find the midpoint of the sorted array
- Compare the midpoint to the value of interest
- If the midpoint is larger than the value, perform binary search on right half of the array
- If the midpoint is smaller than the value, perform binary search on left half of the array
- Repeat these steps until the midpoint value is equal to the value of interest or we know the value is not in the array
Node js to create the mysql Database
var mysql = require('mysql');
var con = mysql.createConnection({ host: "localhost", user: "admin", password: "admin" });
con.connect(function(err) {
if (err)
throw err;
con.query("CREATE DATABASE cprogramcodes", function (err, result) {
if (err)
throw err;
console.log("Database created");
PLSQL procedure to find the minimum of the two number
DECLARE a number; b number; c number;
PROCEDURE findMinimum(x IN number, y IN number, z OUT number) IS
IF x < y
THEN z:= x;
z:= y;
a:= 12;
b:= 13;
findMinimum(a, b, c);
dbms_output.put_line(' Minimum of (12, 13) : ' || c);
PLSQL Procedure to print HELLO WORLD!!
EXECUTE beginner;
21 Dec 2023
Node js program to write HELLO WORLD
// node js code to create a server and write HELLO WORLD!
var http = require ('http');
http.createServer (function (req,res) => {
res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/html'});
res.end('HELLO WORLD!');})
// Copy and paste the above code into a file and name it helloworld.js
// Now to run it, open the command prompt and go to the file location
// Execute the first command - >
// npm i http
//Execute the second command ->
// node helloworld.js
// now open browser and copy and paste the link in the URL - http://localhost:8080
20 Nov 2022
C++ Program to call the function
class first
void my()
cout<<"Welcome to C++";
void main()
first a;
Welcome to C++